jeudi 1 novembre 2007

Alexandria (2)

Egyptians consider themselves as descendants of pharaohs, I understand that it was a source of proud to live in a land of a great civilisation of many thousands years.
I don’t know why but people, since 1st civilisations was born, are attracted to this land.
Through my readings, I “ discover” ( because it really was one !!) that the name given to land on which the Nile had chosen its way wasn’t Arabic ( as main people might say ), nor Greek, or even Nubian…it was the name of grand-son of prophet Noe : Misr son of Ham son of Noe ( as Sem and Javed)…
Egyptians people are the true reflect of all these civilisations welcomed in their land: they are wise as ancient pharaohs, proud as Arabic conquerrants , courageous as Romans ( they defying anyone hurts their believes or dignity !!)…and they are also luscious and like having fun as ancient Greeks !
No wonder why artists are blooming in Egypt and no elsewhere !
Belly dancing, water pipe café, night club, restaurants….ah I have to underline this last word, because staying more in Alexandria means to gain more curvy pound on weight !! because Egyptians sweets deserve to be described in a long essay !!

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